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Tony Blair's speech to the Labour Party's national policy forum.
"The greatest danger is that we fail to face up to the nature of the threat we are dealing with. What we witnessed in London last Thursday week was not an aberrant act. It was not random. It was not a product of particular local circumstances in West Yorkshire.
Senseless though any such horrible murder is, it was not without sense for its organisers. It had a purpose. It was done according to a plan. It was meant.
What we are confronting here is an evil ideology.
They demand the elimination of Israel; the withdrawal of all westerners from Muslim
countries, irrespective of the wishes of people and government; the establishment of
effectively Taliban states and Sharia law in the Arab world en route to one Caliphate of all Muslim nations.
We don't have to wonder what type of country those states would be. Afghanistan was such a state. Girls put out of school. Women denied even rudimentary rights. People living in abject poverty and oppression. All of it justified by reference to religious faith."
Tony Blair: Labour policy forum speech in full.
Mohammad Sedique Khan family issues apology
The family of Mohammad Sedique Khan, the man who is believed to be responsible for the subway blast near Edgware Road, issued an apology today. He was from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.
"The Khan family would like to sincerely express their deepest and heartfelt sympathies to all the innocent victims and their families and friends affected by this horrific and evil act," the statement says.
"We are devastated that our son may have been brainwashed into carrying out such an atrocity, since we know him as a kind and caring member of our family.
"We urge people with the tiniest bit of information to come forward in order to expose these terror networks which target and groom our sons to carry out such evils."
Terrorism Defined
refers to acts of lethal force specifically committed against
non-combatants. It does not refer to civilian casualties as a result of
war. Terrorists strike at innocent men, women and children specifically
because they are outside of the theater of war, amplifying the horror of
their actions and thus the resulting press derived from their horrendous
acts. It was not until the brutality of September 11 that all civilized
governments agreed to act together to exterminate all terrorists from
the face of the earth. Unfortunately too many heads of state and the populations of far too many nations belive that appeasement is the solution to al Qaeda. I pray that they will come to understand in time. I would hope that humanity could learn from history.
leaders of the terrorist organizations currently engaged in the murder
of innocent men, women and children in Israel have vowed never to stop
until all Israelis are driven into the sea. Any recent statements by
Yasser Arafat to the contrary is merely subterfuge.
leaders of these same terrorist groups sit on the board of directors, if
you will, of al Qai'da, along with intelligence agents of Iran and
most likely Syria.
This fact
is well known by the US authorities, but their problem is that the US is
in bed with the Middle Eastern oil nations. This is a difficult
challenge for us all, as the solution lies in the severance of our
dependency upon the oil rich countries of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
for our energy needs. We may need to make the difficult choice between
the security of our nation and our willingness to open up drilling in
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and to using our vast reserves of
For more in-depth information on these terrorists and
their extensive activities in the US, purchase a copy of "Beyond Coincidence: al-Qai'da's War Against America". For
detailed background on this subject refer to the Introduction
to "Beyond Coincidence" that has been posted to this Web site.
The complete text of this book (80,000 words) encompasses a detailed
description of al-Qaeda members, the events and the people surrounding
the New Era operation, how close they came to successfully detonating a
number of nuclear bombs aimed at the heart of America's financial,
political and military centers, and of the miracle that stopped them.
Beyond Coincidence: al-Qai'da's War Against America |
Now Available: Paperback Edition - USD $19.95
I am seriously concerned over the lack of serious probing into the
composition of the al Qai'da hierarchy by the news media.
Senior-level members of
al Qai'da are comprised of agents of the intelligence branches of Iraq
and Iran and top-level members of Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestine Islamic
Jihad, Islamic Jihad, al Jihad, al-Gama`a al Islamiya and numerous
other internationally active Middle Eastern derived terrorist groups.
current goal is to establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout
the world by working with allied Islamic extremist groups .
. . " - Issued statement in February 1998 by Usama bin
Laden under the banner of "The World Islamic Front for
Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders," basically a red
herring to conceal the growing strength of 'al Qai'da',
an amalgam of international terrorist group leaders and
intelligence agents of middle eastern nations, saying it was
the duty of all Muslims to kill US citizens--civilian or
military--and their allies everywhere." From:
Patterns of
Global Terrorism, 2000.
United States
Department of State. |
The smallest and lightest nuclear
weapon ever deployed by the US military
The smallest and lightest
nuclear weapon ever deployed by the US
military was called Davy Crockett. |
"Yes, small atomic charges exist. They are
very small. Several dozen kilotons, thirty
kilotons, forty kilotons." By
Yeltsin's former Science Advisor, Alexei
Yablokov, testifying to the American Congress
regarding easily portable, or 'suitcase' bombs.
The likelihood that any of the
top-level members of al Qai'da, including Osama
bin Laden, were in Afghanistan during the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on The World
Trade Center and the Pentagon seems unlikely.
The most likely location of their shelter
from the wrath of America is in the US. They
could all be disguised as overweight, aging
immigrants from South America, as hillbillies in the Ozarks (Osama bin Laden's favorite) or as white Anglo-Saxon men drinking beer,
watching television and carousing with women.
They have all received professional training in
the art of disguise, and their capabilities in
this manner are sufficient to fool your mother,
much less a customs official.
The Definition of
Understatement |
"If Usama bin Laden walked in here this
minute and turned himself in and said he's
sorry, the Al Qaeda network would exist,"
Rumsfeld said. "It has businesses across
the globe. It has sleepers in various countries.
It has cells. It has money. It has communication
capability, and I'm going to guess it has one or
two handfuls of people who are perfectly capable
of continuing to operate that network." by
Donald H. Rumsfeld -Dec. 19, 2001
Takfir Doctrine
al-Zawahiri, Usama bin Laden’s top
Lieutenant, formed the Egyptian terrorist
group al Jihad, whose tenets embraced the
Takfir wal Hijra ideology. The Takfir
doctrine justifies not only the
incomprehensibly brutal torture and murder
of ‘infidels’ but also of Muslims who
do not adhere to the Takfir doctrines. It
is in actuality an Islamic fascism.
Azzam Tamimi, director of the Institute of
Islamic Political thought in London says
of Zawahiri, "His ideas negate the
existence of common ground with
others". He also states “Zawahiri
is al Qai'da’s ideologue now.”
Zawahiri is considered by some
intelligence analysts as the dominant
influence which steered bin Laden and al
Qai'da towards the adoption of the
Takfir ideology. Readers of Beyond coincidence will discover that al Zawahiri
was not alone in his absolute dedication
towards and immersion within the Takfir
doctrines. From "Beyond
use the word atrocities for the acts these
beasts committed in the name of Islam is
to negate the very meaning of how we
perceive language. I am speaking of men
who have embraced the unthinkable as their
ally, perceiving him to be the one and
only true god, so that they may dance in
glory, even at the moment of their death,
firmly believing that he whom had so
severely deceived them may put them at his
side at the moment of his illusory
triumph, at the throne of this beast whom
has forever throughout existence wanted to
be called 'god.' (Lower case intentional).
Americans have finally acknowledged, there is a war currently
being waged upon US soil by an increasingly technologically
sophisticated consortium composed of top-level operatives of
Hezbollah, al Jihad, Palestine Islamic Jihad, Hamas, al-Gama`a
al-Islamiya, Islamic Jihad, and secret service agents from
Iran and Iraq all grouped together under the umbrella of al
Qai'da, the deadly international terrorist organization whose
figurehead is Usama bin Laden. This was no secret three years
ago, as the information has been in the public domain for
several years. After the tragic strike by al Qai'da at
America's financial and military centers of September 11, 2001
and the senseless resulting loss of over 3,00 innocent lives
Usama bin Laden and al Qai'da are now household terms.
al-Zawahiri, now commonly referred to as bin Laden's top
Lieutenant and founder of the deadly Egyptian terrorist group
al-Jihad is finally recognized by western intelligence
analysts as well as the US Government as a threat equal to or
greater than bin Laden, and now a primary target of the US-led
war against terrorists. Ayman al-Zawahiri is without a doubt
the current military henchman and the lethal force behind
al-Qai'da, but this is only due to the fact that the former
intellect, strategist and the fundamental base of power behind
all of al Qai'da activities, Damien Hachey, was killed in 1997
at the very moment al Qai'da was poised to strike at the heart
of America with deadly nuclear bombs.
tragic September 11th, 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers World
Trade Center in New York City and on the Pentagon in
Washington DC were two of four targets planned to be hit in
the US that morning. The other targets in the US are believed
to be Capital Hill and the White House. These attacks
are now known to have coincided with strikes on the US
Embassies in Paris, Singapore and undoubtedly other attacks
still unknown to us that were derailed due to the
concienscious efforts of American and European intelligence
agencies. This was intended to be the core front of an
extended international campaign to crush our willingness to
persevere in war, and eventually leading to the collapse of
western civilization's financial infrastructure. This
second attempt was conducted by al Qai'da with their stated
intention of destroying Western society and replacing it with
a New Era consisting of a global-wide Islamic state run
by fanatical adherents to the Takfir wal Hijra doctrine.
current goal is to establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout
the world by working with allied Islamic extremist groups
. . . " - Issued statement in February 1998 by Usama bin
Laden under the banner of "The World Islamic Front for
Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders," basically a red
herring to conceal the growing strength of 'al Qai'da',
an amalgam of international terrorist group leaders and
intelligence agents of middle eastern nations, saying it
was the duty of all Muslims to kill US citizens--civilian or
military--and their allies everywhere." From:
Patterns of
Global Terrorism, 2000.
United States
Department of State.
degree of the insanity of the al Qai'da leadership is
reflected in their absolute belief that they cannot fail in
their goal of global dominion. The depth of satisfaction they
derive from their incomprehensibly brutal acts upon innocent
people irrespective even of their age or gender demonstrates
their total immersion into an unrelenting sadistic attachment
to violence vastly exceeding even Nero's morally corrupt reign
when societies' unbridled and bloodthirsty lust emphasized the
experiencing of progressively heightened levels of extended
violence intertwined with sex incorporating maximum levels of
pain and torture resulting in the most painful possible death
of the subject. Close comparisons can be found between the
sexual depravity from Roman society during Nero's rule and of
the al Qai'da leadership.
current military campaign against the United States of America
is an attempt to achieve the goals al Qai'da had failed to
achieve from their New Era operation, -i.e., "a
world-wide Islamic Caliphate" modeled after the
former Afghanistan Taliban regime, which was conducted in the
US by senior members of al Qai'da over a number of years,
culminating in their successful attempt in 1997 to smuggle ten nuclear
bombs and over 100 lbs of U239 into the US and detonate them at our nation's political,
financial and military centers. That operation came within a
heartbeat of succeeding.
aspect of al Qai'da that Americans have not fully comprehended
is the unwavering belief of al Qai'da members that they will
succeed in their goal of global dominion. I assure you the
senior members of al Qai'da have illusions of spiritual
supremacy over the West, and they fully believe that any
methods that humiliate and frighten their enemy, including the
live dismemberment and desecration of their victims, is not
only allowable but mandatory under Islamic law. Al Qaeda is well known for their predilection for videotaping of thir murders. Tens of
thousands of followers worldwide are anxious to sacrifice
their lives towards al Qai'da's unrelenting path towards the
destruction of Western culture.
Al-Gama`a al-Islamiyyah
emerged during the 1970's as a phenomenon rather than
an organized group, mainly in Egyptian jails and later
on in some of the Egyptian universities. Following the
release of most of the Islamic prisoners from the
Egyptian jails by president Sadat after 1971, several
groups of militants began to organize themselves.
These militant groups or cells took names such as the
Islamic Liberation Party, al-Takfir wal-Hijra
(Excommunication and Emigration), Al-Najun min al-nar
(Saved from the Inferno), and Jihad (Holy War), as
well as many others, including al-Gama'a al-Islamiyyah
(The Islamic Group). Each cell operated separately and
was self-contained, a fact that allowed the
organization to be structured, but at the same time
loosely organized.
The Islamic Front
for the struggle against the Jews and the Crusaders
In February 1998, bin Laden announced the formation of
an umbrella organization called “The Islamic World
Front for the struggle against the Jews and the
Crusaders” (Al-Jabhah al-Islamiyyah al-`Alamiyyah
li-Qital al-Yahud wal-Salibiyyin) Among the
members of this organization are the Egyptian al-Gama’a
al-Islamiyyah and the Egyptian al-Jihad. Both of these
groups were have been active in terrorism over the
past decade. The founder members of The World
Islamic Front include Usama bin Laden, Dr. Ayman
al- Zawahiri, leader of the Egyptian al-Jihad and
Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, a leader of the Islamic Group.
The Islamic Group is responsible for the live
dismemberment and murder of 64 tourists in Luxor,
Egypt in November 1997. The details of the physical violence perpetuated upon those innocent civilians was not broadcast over the media due to the difficulty of the western moral concepts towards this type of brutality, but I believe this is a mistake. People need to know the extent of the depravity of those monsters, or else they will not be able to fully understand the necessity to put a stop to this madness, no matter the cost.
Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Usama bin Laden's senior deputy, Ayman
Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian radical who is
now the real strategist behind al Qai'da, is a prime
suspect in President George W. Bush's global war on
Al- Jihad members testified during the 1999
trial in Egypt that he had entered the USA in 1995
using the alias Dr Abdel Moez and while there raised
funds used to finance attacks on the Egyptian embassy
in Islamabad, and elsewhere. According to London’s
Guardian newspaper, the US House of Representatives
judiciary subcommittee on immigration was told by a
counter terrorism expert in January 2000 that
al-Zawahiri was one of several Islamic militants who
had been granted green card status by the US
Immigration Service. Al-Zawahiri, born on June 19,
1951, was indicted along with Bin Laden by a federal
grand jury in New York in 1999 for the US embassy
bombings in Nairobi and Dar-es Salaam in August 1998
and has been named as a prime suspect in the 11
September suicide attacks on the World Trade Center
Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in
For further study on al-Zawahiri visit Jane's Web
site. http://newsite.janes.com/security/international security/news/jir/jir011003_1_n.shtml
Note: al-Zawahiri's visit was extended
over a period of several years, undoubtedly with
numerous exits and entries. Typical of al
Qai'da's methods, he would have entered under
several layers of covers, one of them apparently being
fundraising. His real purpose for being in the US is
outlined on this site, and covered in depth in 'The
Little Scroll'. I assure you this man would not go to
the trouble of entering the USA for a mere $2000. Al
Qai'da has collected over $100M annually from Islamic
Charities alone, not including their funds raised
through heroin and cocaine trafficking, in excess of
$350 million per year. They don't need money that bad.
an in-depth synopsis of the New Era Operation refer to
the Introduction
to 'Beyond Coincidence: al Qaeda's War Against America.'.
photograph shows an addition to the Iranian
Naval Fleet as it was being towed through the
central Mediterranean sea during the week of
December 23rd, 1996. This Sub was the third
Kilo class submarine the Iranians have
purchased from Moscow. |
Iran used one of their Kilo Class
submarines to smuggle over 1000 lbs of PU239 into the US in
In April
of 1997, in an extremely sophisticated operation
developed over a period of many years, members of the
intelligence branch of the Iranian army, Usama bin
Laden and senior members of the lethal international
terrorist organization al Qai'da successfully smuggled
a submarine containing several thousand pounds of Plutonium 239 into the
An early element of
this operation began with the purchase of a large
piece of river-front property along the Willamette
river in what used to be a pre-colonial Russian
community called New Era., Oregon. I grew up in that
area, but I had never associated that long-ago
abandoned community with Hitler's infamous 1936 World
Olympics speech when he said, " I hereby declare
a New Era with the beginning of these Olympic
There was an old
cedar shake mill on this land, replete with a large
mill pond used to park and sort large rafts of cedar
logs brought down the Willamette River. After
purchasing this land, they then proceeded to fill in
that small lake, surreptitiously bringing in two
ocean-going barges during the night, sinking them, and
covering them up. A man I knew
only as Gary Tour hinted that they had received a
grant from the State of Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality to pay for the costs. Their
next step was to begin the long-term task of turning
these barges into submarine bays, complete with two
levels of living quarters, enough room to house a
small village. While I was living there they brought
in over a dozen truckloads of furniture which
mysteriously disappeared. They had constructed, and
concealed with exceptional skill, a freight elevator
capable of raising and lowering furniture for
their living quarters, as well as vehicles such as
small pickup trucks.
Al Qai'da had
purchased a tug company, with three large ocean-going
tugboats, and included with their purchase were
contracts for dredging the Willamette and Columbia
rivers, and hauling in limestone and other products
from Canada. When all of their interrelated tasks and
their usual plethora of backup plans were in place an
Iranian Submarine carrying a several thousand pounds of Plutonium 239
began its long journey to the US. They had also
constructed a mobile sub bay also constructed from an
ocean barge, and this was used to conceal the
submarine during transit into US waters. After
entering US territory they proceeded up the Columbia
River, where they likely paused at Pier # 4, the
International Port of Portland, Oregon. Osama bin Laden is known to own several shipping companies. Being at the
confluence of the Columbia River and the Willamette
Rivers, they then had only to navigate up the
Willamette River from Portland 20 miles to New Era,
where they had built their huge submarine bay.
I have knowledge of
the arrival of this submarine due to the fact that my
family and I lived in a mobile home which sat above
the submarine bay, and although we were not at the
time aware of the cause of the roaring in the water,
(defective muffler on the diesel sub) nor of the
reason for the intense shaking of the mobile home,
(the gates of the underwater sub bay being raised) we
were there when the submarine arrived. Those readers
who have faced an extreme life-threatening
situation before will have an idea of what this
was like.
Although the senior
members of the US Government and the intelligence
community understandably declined to publicize these
events, the highly trained foreign agents described
herein came within a heartbeat of succeeding in their
plan to cause the destruction of Washington DC and New
York City, the political and financial hubs of the US;
and I suspect as well CENTCOM
the acronym for Central Command, responsible for the
protection of US interests in the Middle East,
Northern Africa and Southwest Asia. The Commander in
Chief NORAD (CINCNORAD) is responsible to the
governments of both Canada and the United States for
the aerospace defense of North America.
The principals in
this operation included the upper level members of al
Qai'da, composed of: Usama bin Laden, Djamel Beghal,
until his recent arrest in U.A.E., director of
European terrorist operations; Soubhi Mahmoud Fyad, a
high ranking member of Hezbollah, the terrorist group
created in 1984 by the Iranian military intelligence
service that analysts consider to be a front for
that agency; Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's military
commander, founder and head of al-Jihad,
the Egyptian terrorist group responsible for the
assassination of Anwar Sadat and for the live
dismemberment and subsequent murder of 65 mostly
Swedish tourists at Luxor,
Egypt in 1995; Damien Hachey, the former prophet, power and brains behind al
Qai'da, and Abu Zubaydah, al Qai'da's coordinator of
International Operations..
of Hamas',
the philosophical basis for Islamic fundamentalism and
their terrorist activities, allows for the 'existence'
of religions other than fundamentalist Islam, 'but
only if under the umbrella of (their warped
interpretation) of Islam. I came to know the top
ranking members of al-Qai'da, Hezbollah, Hamas, al
Jihad and al-Gaama al-Islamiya organizations more
thoroughly than I would have preferred, and I assure
you that although the supreme prophet of the operation
is now dead, they came extremely close to succeeding,
and they will most certainly try again.
If you are concerned about your loved ones, your
family, and our country, the United States of
America, become aware of the inherent power cloaked
within the unbridled hatred these Islamic
fundamentalist zealots hold towards the free and
enlightened culture of Western society. This power is
lethally directed against you and I, and towards our
society; not only through increasingly frequent
large-scale 'terrorist acts' against American
institutions abroad; it now also directed with lethal
force against innocent Americans on our own soil; men,
women and children alike, and all undertaken with
absolute celebratory delight.
1998-2004 by Terrorist Watch, Inc. All rights
While you walk through this
life so precious hold the flame of God's love
gently in the palm of your hand, for the wind is
fickle. |
For an in-depth
description of the events surrounding the New Era
operation, and reflections by the author of this website
and of Beyond Coincidence' on the nature of all conflict,
including the conflict between fundamentalist Muslim forces
and western civilization and the freedom of the spirit which
Democracy represents, the introduction to "Beyond Coincidence: " has been published here for the benefit of the
public's increased awareness of the lethal danger facing us
all. |
complete text of this book (78,000 words) encompasses a
detailed description of Usama bin laden and the top-level members of al
Qai'da, of their methodologies used for fundraising, identity theft, narcotics operations, their conncections with the Hells Angels, the Cali cocaine cartel, and how close they came to successfully detonating a
number of nuclear bombs aimed at the heart of America's
financial, political and military centers, the horrendous
crimes committed by these morally corrupt monsters and of the
miracle that stopped them.
Coincidence has been completed. You may order
through PayPal for immediate delivery of the paperback edition below. |
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Al-Qai'da's War Against America
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