| |
LivingLinks 1.0 <APPLET> Tag Parameters
Following is a brief summary of the various parameters supported
by LivingLinks. For a detailed explanation of each, visit the official
LivingLinks Web site.
imagesDir Directory of where to find series of animation
imagesName Base name of animation images.
imagesExt jpg or gif (or GIF or JPG, depending on the extension of your images)
imagesCount Number of animation images in the series.
image Single image to animate from.
imageLeft, Top, left corner coordinates of where the animation
imageTop images should be displayed. If only 1 of these
parameters is specified, the other is set to 0.
If neither are specified, the image is centered in
the applet.
effect External animation class ("effect" plug-in).
resize If set to yes, applet resizes itself to the size of
the animation image(s).
Defaults to no.
speed Speed of the animation in frames/second.
URL Destination URL where the button will send the user
when pressed.
links List of destination URLs and descriptions of where the
button can send the user when pressed. The format for
For example, the following shows how to use the links
parameter to configure the applet for 4 hyperlinks:
<PARAM NAME=links VALUE= "Mantis Homepage = http://www.mantiscorp.com | Java For Dummies = http://www.mantiscorp.com/JavaForDummies | Dummies Press = http://www.dummies.com | Toys For Tots = http://www.mantiscorp.com/toys">
posterImage Image to show while others load.
Defaults to first in series.
backgroundColor Background color of the applet, specified as a color's
name or hex value.
backgroundImage Image to draw in the background of the applet.
clear If set to no, frames aren't cleared between redraws.
Defaults to yes.
reverse If set to yes, animation images are played back and
forth (1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2...).
Defaults to no.
bevel If set to yes, a 3D bevel is drawn around the applet.
Defaults to no.
bevelWidth Width of the 3D bevel drawn around the applet if there
is one.
Defaults to 2.
inSpeed Speed of the animation in frames/sec when the mouse is
in the animation.
inMessage Message shown in the Netscape status bar when the mouse
is in the animation. If not specified, defaults to the
button's destination URL if the button is a single link
or "LivingLinks" if there are multiple links.
soundDir Directory holding sound (.au) files.
outSound String of any number of sound files to be played when
the mouse exits the applet. Sounds are separated with
"|"s. For example: "horn.au|whistle.au|bang.au"
NOTE: No spaces can be used between "|" characters!
inSound String of any number of sound files to be played when
the mouse enters the applet. Sounds are separated with
"|"s. For example: "horn.au|whistle.au|bang.au"
NOTE: No spaces can be used between "|" characters!
outSoundLoop If set to yes, the out sounds loop. Default is no.
inSoundLoop If set to yes, the in sounds loop. Default is no.
outRandomSound If set to yes, the out sounds are selected randomely,
instead of played in the specified sequence. Default
is no.
inRandomSound If set to yes, the in sounds are selected randomely,
instead of played in the specified sequence. Default
is no.
mixSounds If set to yes, the sounds are mixed instead of stopping
one before playing another. Default is no.
clickStopSound If set to yes, clicking in the applet stops all sounds.
Clicking in the applet again turns the sounds back on.
Default is no.
outSoundTimer If set, the value is the number of seconds to wait
before replaying the out sound.
inSoundTimer If set, the value is the number of seconds to wait
before replaying the in sound.